sorry if switching to and from fullscreen is slightly jank, I'll fix it if i feel like it. Hopefully the slight sound delay isnt too bad, i still recommend downloading the windows version instead!

This is a momentum based platformer, with FASTFALLS. I've been working on it a ton recently and this is proper playable demo.

I couldnt directly test the linx and apple exports, but they /should/ work!

It's still missing some animations and sound effects, as well as a few placeholder sprites, but it's finished enough for people to give it a try. 20 stages in this demo.

Mushroom Office Lady Blotti is late for work and needs to get there on time! Earn medals from both doing stages quickly and from doing acts without resetting too many times!

Check out Crezno, who did the music and sound effects!


Download 111 MB
BlottigameDemoE 111 MB
Download 123 MB

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This is pretty good!
The artwork is nice and the controls are simple enough to get the hang of. The music and sound is funky. The game definitely rushes you, which makes sense given its emphasis on speed, so its certainly a challenge to overcome. I had a bit of an issue with jumping right after executing a downward drop, which seemed to make many jumps trickier than they should be. It feels like the game waits for the spinning animation to finish playing before you can jump, rather than letting you jump as soon as you hit the ground. Overall pretty good!

(1 edit)

thanks for playing!

Your jumping issue confuses me a bit though, you should definitely be able to jump the instant you hit the ground.(some of the later challenge stages in the demo certainly couldn’t be done without being able to do so) I've even got a bit of a buffer (you’ll jump the moment you hit the ground if you press jump within a short period before hitting the ground) to make sure this is easy to do, maybe i need to be more generous with it?